Thursday, December 22, 2016

Experts Predict Bitcoin Hits 1 Million Next Year

Experts Predict Bitcoin Hits 1 Million Next Year

We have the opportunity right now to take a very good risk to acquire results into the millions of dollars.

Here me out and come to our live webinars. Time is running out.

The lessons learned in business. Paying attention and seeking knowledge. Pursuing wisdom and mentors with wisdom and experience

Case in point, Bitcoin 2009, where were you?

You see back in 2012 when Bitcoin was trading around a penny, I was aware of the new revolutionary tech called Blockchain. Aware, but very ignorant. I had $50,000 invested in bulk silver coin and gold 1 ounce Maple Leafs. I was totally focused on the wrong preparations for the immediate future

I am a smart, experienced, entrepreneur and have been my entire life. I created and built Veretekk with nothing more than my visions, and my bare hands. There was no one before me to teach me. I joined UCSD’s Super Computer center to learn how to build the tools I envisioned and with the help of George Kremeneck and the partnership I built with Jeff Balmeo, we, laid the foundations, for what is now Markethive, the first off, Market Network (evolving from the Social Networks). I invented Inbound Marketing in the mid 1990’s Way way to early.

Markethive is a new wave technology, born from 20+ years of endeavor, innovation and dedication. It’s time has come. Why? And why am I discussing the summary history of and birth of Markethive?

Because it needed the Blockchain to morph into the most powerful social network what the pundits have identified as the new Market Networks that will dwarf the “Social Networks” and we are the first to produce one.

But Markethive needs a Blockchain to produce a shopping platform that every single human could utilize to build wealth regardless of nationality or residency. That is our mission, and MCC’s blockchain has given us the foundation to do it.

So, how in the world did I miss it in 2009-2012? I was not “Paying Attention” If I had paid attention, I would have liquidated my small holding of silver and gold, and purchased $50,000 worth of Bitcoin at less than a penny per coin.

Segway to the near completion of Markethive, discovering that Markethive was actually a Market Network, a new market to supersede the Social Networks, as has begun recognition of this new burgeoning  SAAS, Social Network, market platform predicted to eclipse the Social Networks and become the first Quadrillion dollar market.

Markethive (over 20 years in development) is ready to launch, as the new Market Network.

In that process we are seeking capital investors. And along came MCC, as this new emerging Blockchain company, they see the future and raw power potential in Markethive.

So James Wilfong and I talked about their investing into Markethive. We negotiated 5% of the Markethive stock for $5 million. This comes about in January after their ICO (Initial Coin Offer).

A few weeks after the negotiations I started really looking at the bitcoin market, educating myself, researching etc. As I did so, it started to form from the fog, that perhaps MCC (MyCryptoCoin) was more then I realized at first.

Now understand; as I did this research it dawned on me that back in 2008 when I started buying up Gold and Silver bulk coins (not collector coins) at around $800 per ounce. About $50,000 worth.

If I had paid attention to the Bitcoin revolution and bought the same amount I would have over $4.5 billion today. This caught my attention. I have seen a similar event with the Internet, but this is actually hundreds of times more intense. In fact, this trend (revolution) will likely be bigger than any other event in the history of mankind.

I started to realize that what MyCryptoCoin was doing was not just another coin, MyCryotoCoin’s DAO (Do you know what that is?), Their own Blockchain, their own proprietary Wallet, all developed with engineers that came from Bitcoin and Etherium, are about to launch the next level in this revolution. I call it bitcoin V2 and will address and solve the latency of Bitcoin, will give Markethive the ability to offer an Ebay type shopping platform that will allow all forms of live payment processing within 2nds.

Listen carefully, Markethive will be able to offer an Ebay type shopping platform that will accept all forms of payment. With MyCryptoCurrency over coming Bitcoins bottle neck of latency, transactions in crypto coin, fiat accounts (ACH), credit cards, 3rd party wallets like Payza, and Paypal will all be accepted with instantaneous transactions. Instant, no waiting (like) occurs with today’s crypto coins.

This is a substantial technical advancement that will both catapult Markethive becoming a trillion dollar Market Network, eclipsing LinkedIn (A social network) with monthly profits in the billions. Think I am kidding?

Fueled by MCC (mycrytocurrency) another huge disruptive company poised to launch, which I am convinced will eclipse Bitcoin, because they will be launching the “Latency” solution Blockchain, an advanced Wallet that solves the online Merchant Account issues and a series of other proprietary technology that will bring the CryptoCurrecy revolution into the main stream.

Did I mention? No I did not. Until the year end, we are offering you the option to purchase 3 million coins and $500,000 worth of Markethive stock for a ridicules low cost. We have other incredible packages that I can personally embrace as being one of those once in a lifetime events were you can leap from your financial level into wealth. Making literally millions even billions in dollars in profits.

I missed the first wave with Bitcoin in 2009 but I am firmly paying attention this time.

Come to the meetings! Do not miss this!

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Thomas Prendergast

Founder and CEO

Markethive Inc.

Experts Predict Bitcoin Hits 1 Million Next Year

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