Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How to Write an eBook (Blog) Quickly

tbnlHow to Write an eBook (Blog) Quickly

Entrepreneurs are busy people. Many of us do realize the importance of business of writing and publishing an ebook, but we simply feel we don’t have the time to write a book, especially if you are already producing a lot of content with our blog(s).

I can think of many types of books you can write fast—especially by blogging them—and turn them into short ebooks. I am an active blogger as you probably know by the volume I produce in Markethive.

Case in point (and feel free to swipe them and make your own Ebook. An eBook on Inbound marketing.

  1. Inbound Marketing Explained and Compared link: https://markethive.com/group/marketingdept/blog/inbound-marketing-explained-and-compared

  2. Get Found using Inbound Marketing link: https://markethive.com/group/marketingdept/blog/get-found-using-inbound-marketing

  3. Inbound Marketing For Dummies link: https://markethive.com/group/marketingdept/blog/inbound-marketing-for-dummies

  4. How Inbound Marketing and Social Media complement each other.Link: https://markethive.com/group/linksomatic/blog/how-inbound-marketing-and-social-media-compliment-each-other

  5. MarketHive has launched the first fully outfitted advanced Inbound Marketing systemlink: https://markethive.com/group/marketingdept/blog/markethive-has-launched-the-first-fully-outfitted-advanced-inbound-marketing-system

The same can be done for email, social marketing, SEO, etc. utilizing my and others who allow swiping in Markethive. You see, you have no excuse.

Short ebooks can be anywhere from 15 to 100 manuscript pages in length. The completed book might be between 4,000-35,000 words long. This is, indeed a short book you write fast.

Create a content plan for you short ebook, and then don’t make more work for yourself than necessary. Keep your chapters short. Don’t write more than necessary. Blog your book, or write it as if you were blogging it; sit down each day and write 500 words. Then make each chapter 1,500-2,500 words long, for example. Each chapter will consist of 3-5 blog posts (each averaging 500 words). If you have 10 chapters, you’ll end up with a 15,000-25,000 word book.

Even use a transcription service. The one I use requires Chrome to work. Link: https://transcribe.wreally.com/app

Perhaps you have a Youtube video you want to transcribe, or you can easily narrate with a microphone like I do. Even transcribe live events.

Whatever word processing program you use, keep an eye on your word count so you don’t overwrite. Remember: You are writing a short ebook fast.

Let’s take a look at the seven types of short books you might consider writing or blogging.

The point is the options are endless.

Need an eBook cover design? Here are plenty of topics just on the ebook cover design:

  1. 15 Ebook Covers: Success and Failure in the Kindle Store link: https://www.thebookdesigner.com/2010/12/15-ebook-covers-success-and-failure-in-the-kindle-store/

  2. WE MAKE BOOKS AWESOME link: https://damonza.com/

  3. SELL MORE BOOKS WITH A STUNNING COVERlink: https://ebooklaunch.com/ebook-cover-design/


Here are a few Ebook software programs

  1. Book Cover Maker – Create Your Own 3D eBook Cover Online link: https://www.myecovermaker.com/

  2. Free Online Book Cover Maker by Canva link: https://www.canva.com/create/book-covers/

  3. Free Ebook Cover Creator – Adazing link: http://www.adazing.com/cover-mocks/

By employing one of these seven short-book structures, you’ll write or blog your book fast. You’ll then be ready to get it edited, have a cover designed, and convert it into an ebook format. Before you know it, you’ll be using your short ebook (and maybe even a printed book, too) to promote yourself and your business.

Video support:

How To Publish A Kindle eBook Today On Amazon

Fast and Easy eBook Template in Word

Create Stunning eBooks & Lead Magnets In 30 Seconds

link: https://go.designrr.io/homepage9790970?utm_campaign=ebook&utm_medium=video&utm_source=youtube

Many ebook publishers (and this could easily be you) make $200 or more per day selling their story, their knowledge, etc. in a ebook format. Combined with the viral and marketing power of Markethive many of you will learn how to produce a yearly income in excess of $70,000 a year.

What would that mean for you? It would give you the needed revenue to build additional businesses, right? After all we are entrepreneurs!


Thomas Prendergast


Markethive inc.

How to Write an eBook (Blog) Quickly

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