The CoinPay Marchant Customer App opportunity
The Bitclub Network is getting ready to launch CoinPay, which is a new smart payment app that has been in beta (Thailand, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan) for over 18 months now. This platform will allow merchants to easily accept Bitcoin, ClubCoin and more by generating invoices and setting up products within a shopping cart that can easily be paid and settled quickly.
Bitclub has created an entire business model around members getting merchants to sign up for the platform. These commissions are paid strategically through the BitClub compensation plan, and as the merchant network grows we believe this could become the most valuable piece of BitClub Network.
Do you want a piece of CoinPay?
Not only will BitClub members have an exclusive to sell the platform and earn commissions on any merchants using it, but CoinPay will also be giving away 60-70% of the company to BitClub Network members in the form of ownership shares! These shares are FREE! Just like we gave you ClubCoin free (and continue to give it) we will be giving you shares of CoinPay as well.
You cannot buy these shares, you have to earn them through your membership and we will have many different incentives for you to earn more as the platform launches. It’s just another way that we like to provide value to our membership and help you cash in.
CoinPay will be its own entity with 1 billion tokens (coins) of this 600-700 million tokens will be given away to members of BitClub for FREE and the other 300-400 million will belong to the CoinPay corporate team, investors, programmers, etc.
CoinPay will operate independently of BitClub and its main focus will be on merchant adoption and support! CoinPay has been working in a private Beta for the last year.
We are now moving to the next phase with a full Beta launch to our Founders and anyone at the Pro Builder rank or higher. This will also be a limited Beta as we test on a larger scale and get feedback before we launch it fully.
You will be hearing A LOT more about CoinPay as it moves forward… It’s finally here…
Are you part of the Club already?
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CoinPay makes Bitcoin Payments Easy
Coming Services for Merchants
Cart Plugins Available
Thomas Prendergast
Markethive Inc.
The CoinPay merchant solution
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