Saturday, October 8, 2016

5 Marketing Statistics that You Should Not Ignore in 2016


5 Marketing Statistics that You Should Not Ignore in 2016

Have you been keeping up with the latest digital marketing trends for this year? If you are like most, it can be tough to find the time to stay abreast of the best practices and techniques to keep in mind. This can place you at a very real disadvantage and you could soon find that your organization is suffering as a result. To save time and energy, let's take a look at the top five trends which experts believe will dominate the remainder of this year.


Marketing Automation

According to the latest sources, marketing automation will have a 20% greater impact within the digital world when compared to 2015 (1). There are two reasons behind this observation. First, specialists are increasingly realizing that they require a greater amount of flexibility in terms of time to connect with their audiences. Automated software can help to bridge this gap. Secondly, the software itself is becoming more advanced and intuitive. For example, the free Inbound Marketing System called Markethive, is a Market-Network that has all the marketing tools you could ever need, it's a content marketer's "dream come true"!


Content Marketing

This trend has actually carried over from last year, and for good reason. We have always said that content is king, and these days, its reign is supreme. Generic texts and other “fluff” simply won't do the trick in 2016. Content needs to be centered around the needs of the user as opposed to the search engine. Organic content will rank higher and generate more interest; both important to increasing conversion rates.


Mobile-Friendly Campaigns

This is another metric that cannot be overstated. Once again, mobile-friendly architecture should really come as no great surprise. Recent figures have pointed out that there are no less than 7.19 BILLION active mobile phones in the world (2). This is higher than the population of the earth! Smart marketers are now understanding that the future of any digital campaign relies upon tapping into this massive infrastructure. Be ready to see most pages optimized for mobile phones as well as the humble app take its place within the forefront of advertising.


Wearable Technology

While this hardware has been around for the past five years or so, it is only recently that it has become affordable for the average consumer. From smart watches to Oculus Rift and other unique devices, it seems as if the dreams of science fiction writers are soon to become a reality. Where does wearable technology fit into the world of digital marketing? Many companies are now developing unique applications to enhance the products that they are offering. In doing so, they hope to tap into a tech-savvy demographic that represents the younger generation. 2016 is likely to be the first year in which such an approach hits the mainstream market.


Big Data

Better CRM and CMS systems have given rise to the prevalence of big data within the marketing world. It is now easier to interpret and implement observations such as buying habits, user demographics and location. This should all enables businesses to better target their existing audience while also expanding this audience to include a wider consumer base. However, the downside to this is that competition is likely to be quite fierce. This is the main reason why by data needs to be combined with small data in order to address the very human side of any sales campaign.

We can see that some trends are a continuation of the previous year while others could very well define the ways in which marketing campaigns are constructed into the future. Recognizing these tendencies is the first step towards developing an effective strategy while placing all of your efforts in the right direction.

Richard Tipsword
Markethive Developer





5 Marketing Statistics that You Should Not Ignore in 2016

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