Internet Marketing is quickly evolving. Every year, there are more and more changes within the marketing industry. While some marketers choose to ignore these changes, those that adopt them early on seem to develop an edge over the competition. Those that are slow to adapt end up lagging behind.
Content remarketing is an effective way to reach out to the visitors who read the content on your site but do not move on to become leads. Internet Marketing involves a considerable amount of writing, from emails and eBooks to articles and blog posts.
However, the key is to be effective enough in this writing to capture the contact information of those that visit your page. Then, you are able to use content remarketing to your advantage. You will have a chance to reconnect with the people interested in what you are offering.
It is important to provide visitors with a quality experience when they come to your site. This means giving them something new and unique as they engage with your content. Then, the next step is to remarket your advertising to them in order to close the deal. In many cases, all you need is effective content to put your brand back in the front of their mind and send them to your site again to make a purchase.
Getting Started
With more than two million websites in the remarketing network, Google Display Network is one of the best in the world. This includes practically all of the sites in the world, even Gmail, YouTube and mobile apps.
One of the initial steps of content remarketing is defining your target audience. For instance, you could define an audience of people that visit your blog or specific pages of your website. This will make it possible for you to reach out to those people specifically with messages and offers that will peak their interest.
In order to define such an audient, simply go to Google AdWords and create your new remarketing list. All of the cookie settings will be taken care of for you. The only thing that you will have to worry about is specifying which visitors to include in the audience.
Creating the Best Remarketing Ads
Once you have defined your remarketing audience, you are ready to focus on creating the best ads for this campaign. Ad formats are crucial due to the way the ad auction operates. Various formats do not compete with one another for positioning. The lesson that you need to learn is to diversify your ad formats. This will maximize your chances of better ad placement positions.
Keep in mind that people are driven by their emotions when it comes to clicking on content. The same emotions that attract visitors to your content are going to drive them to click your ads. Therefore, the key to a successful content remarketing campaign is to create ads that reach visitors on an emotional level.
Steer clear of plain old boring, informational ads that do not stand apart from all the others out there. Instead, create ads and diversify your formats in order to charm to your target audience emotionally.
You are already aware that content marketing works well. For this reason, you have been working hard on your eBooks, blog posts and valuable, informative content for prospective customers.
People come across your content in their social media feeds and search results. However, they do not always complete your forms then and there to generate leads. The reason is not that your message does not interest them, so you use content remarketing to capture those visitors who leave your site without becoming customers.
Recapturing the attention of your audience attention will turn casual browsers into profitable leads. This is an effective marketing strategy and if you are not practicing it, you are essentially leaving a considerable amount of money on the table.
FBI Document Dump Proves This Woman Has No Business Anywhere Near Power
I'm guessing that many of you do not know this, but there was another dump of 100 pages from the FBI yesterday relating to the investigation of Hillary Clinton. Folks, I'm here to tell you, there is no way this woman ought to be anywhere near the Oval Office. She ought not be anywhere near the White House. I don't care what Donald Trump's faults are. I don't care what people think of Donald Trump. This woman has no business. I can't believe, after looking at these documents
This is astounding what the FBI dumped yesterday. Why this hasn't been dumped earlier is obvious. It is damning! It is destroying of Hillary Clinton, as a person, as a secretary of state. I go through all these emails. Have any of you who've spent any time going through any of the emails, part of the WikiLeaks dump, are you seeing anybody that works for her talk about what a nice person she is? I am not. I see references to friends of Bill that need this and friends of Bill that need that. I don't see any references to friends of Hillary.
I'm reading a bunch of people who are doing what they can to advance this woman's career because it is their job and because through her they maybe get to advance what their agenda is; but I'm here to tell you, there doesn't appear to be any personal attachment beyond Huma in any of these, including Podesta. You know, Podesta is actually a Bill guy. Podesta was Bill's chief of staff sent over there, runs the Center for American Progress, a leftist think tank, and is now over there steering the Hillary campaign.
I'm telling you, folks, it's incredible. And this 100 pages — and most of it's redacted. The stuff that they haven't redacted is damning. It makes Watergate look like Romper Room. And I'm wondering, what in the hell were they doing at the FBI when they decided none of this was actionable? This goes so far beyond quid pro quo. Of course that's a big, big deal.
But all the stories that we heard back when the Clintons were in the White House about Hillary disliking the Marines, disrespecting the Marines, throwing ashtrays, apparently it's true, because she did it at the State Department. She was so mean to people that State Department security agents, which they have, every bureaucracy has security agents that travel with the ambassadors, with the secretary of state. None of them wanted to work for her. They all quit over the four-year time she was in the secretary of state's office. None of them.
The people that ended up on her detail were brand-new and had no idea. They were the last ones to go there because everybody else begged off, because she was just plain and simple mean and rude and disrespectful. She was violating protocol at every turn. As an example, one of the parent protocols is that when the secretary of state's traveling, you get off the plane and you always join the ambassador to whatever country you're in. The ambassador gets in a limo with you, it's a security thing, too, from the airport into the embassy or wherever you're going.
In other words, when you get off the plane in a foreign country, you are joined at the hip with the ambassador. She never would do it.
The only person allowed to get closer to is Huma Abedin and whoever this guy that runs around with her, this big, big black guy who is there rubbing her back and telling her just keep talking, just keep breathing. He's obviously some medic, and he's constantly around her. Other than this guy and Huma Abedin, she just blows off everybody and everything. You can't find any references, or very few, to people with any affection for her. They're all working for her and they're all trying to rig the game for her, but there doesn't seem to be any affection.
It's amazing what's in these 100 pages alone, and these are from the FBI. This is not WikiLeaks. This is not the result of a hack. They can't say that the Russians are behind this. Now, I don't think that any of this is gonna end up in the Drive-By Media. Because they are part of this. Well, that's part of the WikiLeaks dump, too. But reporters are sending their stories to John Podesta for vetting before they're published. One guy, Glenn Thrush from Politico says (paraphrasing), "Hey, look, now that I've become a (hack) for you guys, I've got this story. Here it is. Make sure it's right before I run with it."
This is happening constantly, not just recently, but constantly with Mrs. Clinton. He's not the only one. All of them, practically everybody in the mainstream media is on her team and coordinating with her and her campaign about how to do stories, what stories to do, what to leave out of them and so forth.
Now to the FBI document dump.
It's a hundred pages and it's dynamite, and it's just astounding, folks. You look at this and you wonder how in the world did this woman not get charged? How in the world did this not get sent to the grand jury? Of course, we know. President Obama didn't want it. He didn't want any of it going anywhere because he's implicated in it. He lied. He said he learned about Hillary's private server while watching the news just like all of us, except that's not true.
He was regularly communicating with her via her private server and all this suspicious email activity using a fake name, a pseudonym, if you will. He was fully aware. And that's why to go after her would have included him, and ah, ah, ah, ah, not going to happen. I did as much looking into this as I could, and I have to tell you, John Hinderaker at Power Line has probably put together the best summary of this.
Yesterday "the FBI released another 100 pages relating to its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State." This was not just an investigation that was limited to her emails and server. By definition, it ended up including her conduct as secretary of state. Why it has taken so long for the FBI to review, to redact, and publish — I mean, a hundred pages is a small quantity. It's dynamite. What's in these 100 pages, even what is not redacted is dynamite. But the question, why it has taken so long for the FBI to review, to redact and publish a hundred pages is inexplicable.
The pages that were released yesterday are explosive, big-time explosive. Folks, it's serious stuff. And it all — you can't conclude anything other — this woman ought not be anywhere near the levels of power. This woman is as corrupt as anybody. This makes Watergate, as I say, look like Romper Room. Now, you may have seen headlines that Hillary's State Department tried to pressure the FBI to say that various documents located on her home server were not classified. That was critical. It is critical, obviously, because one of Hillary's lines of defense was to claim — falsely, as it turned out — that she never sent or received classified documents on her off-the-books email system.
She said that in her first press conference that she held at the U.N., and she said it subsequent times. (imitating Hillary) "I never dealt with. I I I I I I never sent or received classified documents. It was a mistake, I'll never do it again, I learned from it, but I never sent classified documents."
But to get the full impact, you have to see the relevant portions of the FBI investigation, and they're all here, in all cases. They've been published and I'm gonna just read to you a so-called executive summary of them. "In the first page, an unidentified FBI employee says he was 'pressured' to change the classification of an email to render it unclassified. This pressure came from someone within the FBI."
This is in FBI documents. This is not somebody's speculation. It was in what was released yesterday. You remember, now, she has denied trafficking in classified documents, sending or receiving. And yet in one of the pages yesterday, an unidentified FBI employee says he was pressured by someone within the FBI to change the classification of an email to render it unclassified.
This person within the FBI "who said he had been contacted by Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy, who 'had asked his assistance in altering the email’s classification in exchange for a "quid pro quo."'" You may see people denying this left and right at the State Department. It's in the FBI documents. It happened! Somebody within the FBI called over to state, talked to Patrick Kennedy and asked for his help in changing the classification of the email in exchange for a quid pro quo.
And what was the quid pro quo? "The quid pro quo was that, if the FBI would say the email was unclassified, the State Department would allow the FBI to 'place more Agents in countries where they are presently forbidden.' Subsequently, the interviewee was summoned to an 'all agency' meeting at the State Department to discuss the classification review of the Hillary Clinton emails. This fact," and that's what it is, "is astonishing: the meeting was attended by representatives of the State Department, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency 'and other government agencies,' including, obviously, the FBI."
So you had an all-agency meeting at the State Department to discuss reviewing the classification of Hillary Clinton's emails and changing from classified to unclassified, with all of these government agencies at the meeting. "Patrick Kennedy presided. Someone asked whether any of the Hillary emails that were being reviewed for production were classified. Kennedy replied, 'Well, we’ll see.'"
Meaning, when we get through here, after we've declassified a bunch of 'em, probably not. So they had classified emails, agency-wide meeting with all of these different elements of the government to discuss declassifying certain Hillary emails. Why would they do that? To protect her. To protect them. To protect Obama. There were classified emails. She was trafficking in classified email on her unsecure server that she had lied about and denied doing, that Obama claimed he knew nothing about when he did.
And so it was an all-agency meeting where they circled the wagons and after the fact they're gonna change from classified to unclassified email by email by email in exchange for a quid pro quo for the FBI.
"Following the all agency meeting, Undersecretary of State Kennedy renewed his effort to pressure the FBI to change its classification of the document in question. The FBI representative wouldn’t budge." The FBI said, "No, we are not gonna help you declassify this classified document."
"So Kennedy asked who else at the agency he could talk to. The interviewee gave the name of Michael Steinbach." All of this was in these hundred pages dumped yesterday. "The interviewee then participated in a call with Kennedy and Steinbach, in which Kennedy 'continued to pressure the FBI to change the classified markings on the email to unclassified.' Steinbach refused. What happened next is — deserves to be, anyway — a bombshell.
"Prior to ending the conversation, Kennedy," of the State Department, "asked whether the FBI or State would conduct the public statements on the matter. Steinbach advised Kennedy that the FBI would not comment publicly on the matter."
Well, I mean, folks, right there is corruption admitted to. Here you had an all-agency meeting to discuss the declassification of an email in order to protect Hillary's claim that she had not trafficked in them. And everybody at the meeting admits to and knows what's going on. And the FBI says, "Don't worry, we're not gonna talk about it. Steinbach of the FBI told Kennedy we would not comment publicly on the matter." Meaning, whatever you do, nobody's gonna know about it. We're not gonna blow the whistle on you. Whatever you do, go ahead, we're not talking.
"That was enough for the astonishingly corrupt Hillary Clinton. This is what happened next: The conference call ended and, according to [ ], the Associated Press (AP) published the story within the hour. Former Secretary of State Clinton appeared in front of the press shortly thereafter to deny having sent classified emails on her private email server."
So before she goes out and speaks, they had this agency-wide meeting to declassify something classified, it ends up happening in exchange for quid pro quo. The FBI sitting in on the meeting, "Okay, we're not gonna say a word.' That's the signal to Hillary to go out and lie that she had never sent classified emails on her private email server.
What you have here, folks, is a clear pattern of corruption that, as I say, makes Watergate look like Romper Room. Hillary's aide at the State Department, Patrick Kennedy, tried to bribe the FBI with the promise of a quid pro quo, tried to bribe the FBI to change the classification. It was a Benghazi document, by the way. What's being discussed here is a Benghazi document.
So Patrick Kennedy, Hillary's aide, tried to bribe the FBI to change the classification of a Benghazi document so as to enable Hillary to lie and say that she did not send or receive classified information on her illegal home server. The FBI refused. James Comey was not involved at this stage, by the way. This was before the serious investigation even began. But they learned of it. Comey learned of this later on. He wasn't involved at this point.
"Hillary’s aide then asked whether the FBI would be saying anything publicly about the classification issue," what they just had, the all-agency meeting. "Once assured that the FBI would be silent –" Steinbach said don't worry, we're not saying a word "– Hillary took the stage and alleged publicly, and falsely, that she never used her illegal home server to send or receive classified information."
They had just taken a classified document and agreed to declassify it just because they needed to for her, not because it deserved to be. It was still a classified bit of information, but they declassified it, enabling her to go out and lie. This is just one document. How many critically important documents have been given the same treatment, have been discussed in the same way? The State Department has put some documents, archived them way back down in the basement, nobody to ever see them again
Folks, this is just one element of what's in this hundred page dump. But this one, this story illustrates the full-fledged corruption of Hillary Clinton's State Department, working with the FBI. She says she never trafficked in classified data, sending it or receiving it. She said that after an agency-wide meeting, an all-agency meeting in which a document about Benghazi was declassified.
Richard Nixon only dreamed of this kind of stuff. On the surface it may not sound like it's that big a deal when treated to governments doing things, our government especially in private, prying eyes don't see it. She's been lying through her teeth. Everybody on her side, everybody has been lying about what went on, trying to maintain the idea that she never trafficked in classified documents.
She did, she knew she did. She knew she was lying about it. She corrupted a bunch of agencies to collude and get together to change the classification on her behalf so that she could go out and lie. She was enabled as a liar with the mass participation of a bunch of other government agencies.
An O.S.H.I.T. Moment? Folks the USA appears far more corrupt than even Russia or Venezuela!
Guess what, my friends? Obama's got a press conference, or just finished one with the prime minister of Italy in the Rose Garden. He was asked about what I just shared with you. Question by Kevin Freking of the AP. "Mr. President, does it distress you that folks at the FBI and State Department talked about the proper level of classification of emails that were on Secretary Clinton's server? Would you acknowledge the appearance of impropriety and should the State Department officials look into this further."
OBAMA: You've heard directly from both the FBI and the State Department that the notion or the accounts that have been put out there are just not true. And, you know, you can question them again, but based on what we have seen, heard, learned, some of the more sensational implications or appearances, as you stated them, aren't based on actual events and based on what actually happened and I think derive from sort of overly broad characterizations of interactions between the State Department and the FBI that happen a lot.
He's flat-out calling everybody involved in this a liar. He's saying it never happened. The evidence is from the FBI, documents released from the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's conduct as secretary of state, deriving from and originating with her email server. So here's Mr. Obama who told us that he didn't know about any of this until he heard about it on the news, which is a lie because he was emailing Mrs. Clinton. By definition, everything he sends is classified. Everything the president sends, everything he writes, it's classified at origin by virtue of the fact he's sending it. "I didn't know 'til I read about in the news, just like all of you."
He was using a fake name! The man who said you like your doctor, keep your doctor, you like your plan, keep your plan. The man that told you your premiums are gonna be reduced $2,500. The man has lied I don't know how many times about how many things. He and Hillary are in a race to see who's the king or queen of lying, plus we know this is a corrupt bunch! He's just called everybody involved "Oh, they have these interagency meetings all the time, you know, these rivalries, they've already denied it." The allegations were not even made. The information comes from the FBI in a 100-page document dump yesterday, and he just called everybody involved a liar. "It isn't true. They said it didn't happen." Come on, folks, come on. We know what's going on.
For the record, ladies and gentlemen, there are four people, at least four people who have talked about the pressure to take a classified Benghazi document and make it unclassified. Two of the people at the FBI, two of the people the State Department. Four people independently have said they were pressured to do this. Barack Obama has just called them liars as well.
RUSH: Well, there seems to be some confusion where these hundred pages came from. They are official. And the best I have been able to determine is that the FBI released these 100 pages that everybody's talking about. (interruption) Well, I usually am. But some people are saying, "No, no, no. The FBI didn't officially do it. Somebody at the FBI did it 'cause they're ticked off and they think Hillary should be arrested."
In other words, somebody's trying to tell me that a rogue element released documents. Everything I've seen is the FBI itself did this and that Comey was not aware or involved. Comey wasn't involved in this all-agency meeting that took place. Look, let me summarize this and try to tell you why this matters.
This is standard operating procedure for Bill and Hillary Clinton. This is a woman who destroyed subpoenaed documents in a court case way back in the nineties. These are the people that hid billing records and other relevant documents sought by a court for years that mysteriously turned up on a table in the Map Room in the White House during their first term in the White House. Then the whole Lewinsky scandal happened, and we know how everything was — if it hadn't been for that blue dress — seriously, folks.
I'm not trying to be funny here. If it hadn't been for that blue dress Bill Clinton would have gotten away with saying (Clinton impression), "I never had sex with that woman, not a single time, not ever, and I never asked anybody to lie," he would have gotten away with that. We would have never known the truth. If it hadn't been for the fact that Linda Tripp, I think it was, convinced Lewinsky to give up that blue dress, and she kept the blue dress because it was historical, it was a souvenir. She loved the guy and having his semen was, I guess, a memento.
So there it was. This is how the Clintons operate. They accuse. This is a woman who was thrown off the Nixon Watergate committee as a Democrat lawyer. She was thrown off by Peter Rodino, the chairman, because she was trying to engender things that would deny Nixon and his legal team constitutional rights during the Watergate investigation. This woman is every bit the Alinskyite that Barack Obama is. She was an Alinskyite before Obama was. Her thesis, and she was at Wellesley, was on Alinsky.
But the woman is dishonest. She is dishonest and she is corrupt. Look at the Clinton Foundation. This is an organization set up to take donations in the multiple millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign wealthy individuals while she was secretary of state and while she's campaigning for president. Now, folks, the people giving the Clintons money are not doing it 'cause they like her. They're not giving her $300,000 to make speeches at banks because, wow, she says such interesting things. They are buying the Clintons. They are buying access because the Clintons have made it known their entire public life they can be bought.
The Clintons do not do much of anything aboveboard.
At any rate, so there's a history, a documented history. Now, if you're a Millennial — Millennials do not know of the existence and the nature and the truth of Soviet communism. It's not been taught to them. So "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," the Berlin Wall falling, the Cold War and its meaning and relevance all during the sixties is irrelevant to them.
They simply don't know. They haven't been taught about it. And that's, of course, by design. If you're not gonna teach communism, if you're not gonna teach what it really is, it makes selling socialism easy. This is exactly what they've done. Same token here. Millennials, a young group of people, do not know of the Clintons of the nineties. To you and me, we know it like the back of our hand. But young people don't. And some low-information people don't as well.
So, in addition to all of the things starting with Whitewater, all moving forward, everything the Clintons have done — well, can't say "everything" — the vast majority of what the Clintons have done has had many purposes, but at the top of the list is personal enrichment.
Do you know that she also stole furniture from the State Department when she left? That's in this document dump. She stole furniture from the State Department when she left just like they stole furniture from the White House when they left. She just picked up and took what she wanted. Violates all kinds of protocols. Would not hang around with ambassadors, would not travel with them, would not give them the perk of appearing with the secretary of state, would not let them fly in the plane, would not them ride in the limousine.
Only Huma Abedin was allowed body contact. Nobody else. The security agents for the State Department all wanted to quit her detail. She was so rude, mean, disrespectful, none of them wanted to work for her over the course of her four-year term as secretary of state, which comports with everything we'd heard about the way she treated Secret Service agents in the White House and Marines and other uniformed military personnel. The woman is a viper and she's dishonest and corrupt. And it's the way of the world in that world the Clintons occupy.
So just to review, hundred pages released by the FBI yesterday clearly detail an all-agency meeting wherein the State Department and a guy named Patrick Kennedy attempted to persuade other government agencies, including the FBI and the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency and others to go along with changing the classification of, in this case, one particular document detailing Benghazi, from classified to unclassified, so that Mrs. Clinton could go out and do a press conference and claim that she had never trafficked in classified information.
And in exchange for doing this, the FBI was offered, in exchange for doing this, an increased presence in foreign countries to do investigations and other things. You remember what the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia were blown up, the FBI's right there investigating, because American citizens were dead. So the FBI can go, but they are limited in what they can do. State Department has purview. So a carrot was dangled that allowed the FBI a little bit more access and power in exchange for going along with declassifying a classified document.
Four people — two state, two FBI — have added to what's in these hundred pages claiming they were pressured to go along with this. Now, President Obama just had a press conference concluded recently at the White House with the Italian prime minister in which he was asked about this. Now, there's two sound bites.
So here's the question. "Mr. President, does it distress you that people at the FBI and the State Department talked about the proper level of classification of emails that were on Secretary Clinton's server? Would you acknowledge the appearance of impropriety, and should the State Department look into this further?"
OBAMA: You've heard directly from both the FBI and the State Department that the notion or the accounts that have been put out there are just not true. And, you know, you can question them again, but based on what we have seen, heard, learned, some of the more sensational implications or appearances, as you stated them, aren't based on actual events and based on what actually happened and I think derive from sort of overly broad characterizations of interactions between the State Department and the FBI that happen a lot. It happened between agencies.
The short version of that is "It didn't happen. It's all made up, not true, uh, these things happen all the time." So he's denying, calling people liars. This is in an FBI document dump. This is not something that some right-wing website found and is publishing. This is from the Obama FBI. And he's claiming everybody involved — and there are independent people. As I say, four others who are claiming they have been pressured to go along with the declassification of classified documents on Mrs. Clinton's server.
I can imagine some of you, "What does that matter? There's so many other things, what does it matter?" It matters because, folks, it's a culmination of things. The cumulative effect of behavioral patterns here that indicate this woman is dishonest, is corrupt and has no business even taking the oath of office because she cannot honestly do it. She has no business being president of the United States.
She uses the power that you get as an elected official or appointed official at the upper echelons of U.S. government to artificially alter and change things in her favor outside of courts of law, things that no one else could do or try. Things for which we have forced a president to resign simply because he thought he wanted to. Richard Nixon and Watergate, that's nothing compared to what has actually gone on here, but it gets better.
Surfing isn’t as mellow and laid back as those picture-perfect images of Malibu sunsets make it look. Out in the water can be a real hustle. Very often you’ve got to paddle out into a line-up of established and hostile faces and stake your claim for a right to be there. Sound familiar?
2.Think outside the box
As with business, it’s very often the people who don’t follow the crowd that reap the rewards in surfing. Those people who are prepared to take a chance and go a long way out of their way to search for new ways to rip the ocean waves are the pioneers. Guaranteed they’re surfing innovations are rewarding them extreme new surfing experiences as well as netting great wealth in the process.
3.Surfing teaches you failure
Like nothing else. (Except maybe business!) When you first start out you’re gonna try, try and try and fail, fail and fail. Cold water will rush through your sinuses. Your arms will feel like someone’s tried to rip them from your body. People will shout at you telling you to get out of their way. And yet, you can see those guys, just beyond the breakers, gliding along the face of the waves like they were raised by a pod of dolphins. Don’t let the failure hurt you. Get back on your board, stick with it, and you’ll get there. Once again – sound familiar?
4.Live on a shoestring
Surfers know how to exist with very little. They can make $100 dollars last longer than most people would imagine possible. They don’t go on holidays, they go on expeditions, and they want to stay away for as long as they possibly can. Two months on a remote Indonesian island eating nothing but rice and bananas? If the waves are good it’s all worth it. Surfers make sacrifices for their passion, just like the most successful startups.
5.See the bigger picture
When you’re starting a business, it’s so easy to let it become your world. Tunnel vision kicks in and you can’t think of anything except the next list of potential clients you’ve got to email or what a blogger said about you on Twitter. Here’s where surfers have an advantage. A little time spent in the ocean reminds you that there’s a much bigger world out there; that you’re just a tiny part of it. That kind of perspective can be helpful when you’re stressing about how many Facebook likes you got this week.
I was born an entrepreneur, but surfing entered my life when I first saw the ocean at the age of three. I was thunder struck and feel in love with that big blue ocean. Every real surfer I know is an entrepreneur. Unable and unwilling to hold a job down longer than the next swell.
Kawabunga, Markethive is my newest surf board to ride the coming quadrillion dollar swell. Are you with me?
I pray that the majority of Americans have common sense, good sense, curiosity, empathy and self respect. This machine, this matrix, this system we live in has usually been subtle in controlling us.
Remember 911 (2001) just a terrorist attack folks, go back to work and keep shopping? But as well as that deception was done, it began to unravel. And continued to do so. At first we (including myself) rejected the notion it was a false flag, but even I came around to see it as such.
That was 2001, 15 years ago. A lot has transpired and I believe we have all had our "take the red pill" moments. The majority of us, know something is wrong.
And here is the sweetness of Trump. He is the "outsider", he beat 16 other Republicans, all of them puppets of the system. Even Ted Cruz with his hand tucked under his coat (AKA Glenn Beck Illuminati meltdown drama queen).
As this machine consorts and thrashes and screams ever louder with more frantic and obvious desperate attempts to destroy Trump, The huge revealed cheating (ie: the polls) the obvious gamed debates, the false accusations and manufactured witnesses, it is becoming so very clear, that a vote for Trump is a knife in the systems heart.
I ultimately trust the American people, that they have and are waking up, that this election is the beginning of a huge revolution. This election's outcome will have two stark paths; An America where WW3, ruin and civil war, despair, will be our reward, or an America were the people's unity is restored, the Rise of the Entrepreneur will lead America into a innovation and new wealth for all renaissance making America the greatest nation on earth (again). The choice has never been more clear.
Vote carefully, as this time your life depends on it.
The choices have never been more black and white, good vs evil, prosperity vs disparity, honesty vs deception, life vs death.
Rick Wiles interviews retired firefighter Mark Taylor who was given this prophetic revelation in 2011. The Lord has chosen Mr. Trump to bring America back from the brink of destruction. Mr. Taylor wrote this amazing prophecy in 2011 giving us a glimpse of what's to come and why all who attack Mr. Trump will fall by the wayside. What's amazing is that this revelation has gone forth to thousands. The wrath of God has come not for the people of America but for the leaders of the establishment. ("I have the same revelation and have said so for over three months maybe longer. Judgment has come fot the wickedness in our leadership and Donald Trump is leading the way." Thomas Prendergast CEO Markethive) The hour of judgment is upon them. The light has begun to shine and the darkness of evil will prevail no more.
The Spirit of God says, I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this. For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel, so shall this man be to the United States of America! For I will use this man to bring honor, respect and restoration to America. America will be respected once again as the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth, (other than Israel). The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States, and will once again be the currency by which all others are judged.
The Spirit of God says, the enemy will quake and shake and fear this man I have anointed. They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world. The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this? The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that l have started! For the enemy has stolen from America for decades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it seven-fold back to the United States. The enemy will say Israel, Israel, what about Israel? For Israel will be protected by America once again. The spirit says yes! America will once again stand hand and hand with Israel, and the two shall be as one. For the ties between Israel and America will be stronger than ever, and Israel will flourish like never before.
The Spirit of God says, I will protect America and Israel, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him. This man’s word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.
The Spirit of God says, in this next election they will spend billions to keep this president in; it will be like flushing their money down the toilet. Let them waist their money, for it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen. They will say things about this man (the enemy), but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God.
Many digital marketers will cite specific factors when taking about the buying process of a consumer. Variables such as age, location, gender and even income level come into play. There is no doubt that all of these concerns are very important, but are we missing something? To put it another way, what happens if you have identified all of these factors and your sales are still slumping? Assuming that you have not tried to market the chocolate tea kettle, the chances are high that you might still be failing to appreciate one key factor that is frequently overlooked. Namely, that the decision-making process of consumers can be broken down into three category (1). These are:
• Products that extensively solve a problem.
• Products that provide limited means to solve a problem.
• Everyday purchases (such as food and consumer goods with a limited lifespan).
Let's take a look at how these behaviors can affect the ways that a product is viewed.
The Mentality of the Buyer
A student who has just graduated from college is not likely to choose a product or service that extensively solves a problem (such as an expensive vacuum cleaner). Instead, he or she will normally be much more concerned with limited problem-solving products such as the cheapest type of pasta or whether it is better to choose powdered or liquid laundry detergent.
In the same respect, the mother of a newborn baby will tend to be looking for products that extensively solve problems as opposed to cheaper alternatives which may be of lower quality.
Finally, consumer goods such as cereal, socks and other “normal” items are not likely to be extensively analyzed for their ability to solve problems. There is very little thought involved during a purchase.
How Does This All Fit Into Digital Marketing?
Although this may appear to be common sense, you might be asking how these observations fit into the world of digital marketing. Even though these theories were written long before the age of the Internet, their principles in terms of buyer behavior are just as relevant. The fact of the matter is that whether a consumer realizes it or not, they are constantly making choices throughout the buying process. These choices are based upon how the product in question is PERCIEVED to help them. So, it makes sense that businesses which promote the problem-solving benefits of a product are more likely to enjoy greater success. To put it another way, consumers simply want to be confident that they are making the best choices possible (2). While this may not be as relevant when referring to buying a pair of socks, this concept is very important when speaking of email automation software or a website design service!
Clear and concise information is the best way to point out the benefits of a certain product. This could be a simple phrase, a mission statement or very literally stating with the item is intended to accomplish. Here are three examples:
1. Burger King: Have it Your Way
2. Johnny Walker: Joy Will Take You Further
3. Coca-Cola: I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke
In each of these phrases, the consumer is not only being told what the product delivers, but they also induce action. In turn, the buying process is simplified to an extent. This targets the very real human relationship between consumer and product.
You might have noticed that some of these strategies (such as the one produced by Coca-Cola) existed decades ago. Still, the principles are just the same in the world of digital marketing. Knowing how a product or service can solve a problem is the key to secure sales within your customer base.
A blog is basically an online journal wherein you can digitally pen down your thoughts, ideas, opinions and practically anything that you want people to read. Blogs come in different styles, formats, and settings, depending on the preference of the user. Many blogging sites, offer built in features such as hyperlink, straight texts, pictures etc. Some blogging sites, even allow you to put video and mp3's on your blogs.
Instead of writing texts, some bloggers choose to make their blogs more audio friendly, by using spoken word entries. This is called audio blogging.
Basically a blog contains these features:
Title – which allows you to label your post
Body – this is the content of your post
Trackback – other sites can be linked back to your blog
Permanent link – every article that you write has a URL
Comments – this allow readers to post comments on your blog.
One of the advantages of blogging, is that it is made of only a few templates. Unlike, other websites that is made up of numerous individual pages. This make it easier for blog users to create new pages, because it already has a fix setting that include: slots for title, body of the post, category, etc.
This is especially useful for first time users, since they can start blogging right away. They can chose from a number of templates that blogging websites provide.
Anyone who wants to start a blog can do so by becoming a member of a blogging website of their choice. Once they've become members, they automatically become a part of that particular blogging community. They can browse through other bloggers pages, and link them back to their own blogs. They can also make comments on other members' blogs.
Blogging is not just limited to personal usage. There are a lot of blogs that follow a theme such as: sports, politics, philosophy, social commentary, etc. These blogs espouse on their specific themes. This way blogging becomes a medium in which people can share their knowledge and opinions about a variety of themes and topics.
Some bloggers even use their blogs as a means to advertise. Some authors advertise their books on their blogs. While other bloggers, use their blogs to shed light to currents issues, events, news and catastrophes.
Nowadays in education, blogs also play an important part. Professors use blogging to document the lessons that they have discussed and taught. This way, students who have missed classes, can easily catch up with their assignments.
A lot of entrepreneurs benefit from blogging by promoting their businesses on their blogs, with millions and millions of people logging onto the net every day, blogging has become a lucrative move. Some bloggers who run online businesses promote their merchandise online. While others profit through advertisement.
But by far, the most popular blog type is the one that takes the form of a personal journal. This is the kind that is usually used by first time bloggers. Individuals who want to document the daily struggle of their everyday lives, poems, rants, opinions, find that blogging offers them a medium in which to express themselves.
Bloggers usually communicate within themselves. This is one of the appeals of blogging. It creates a community of people sharing their ideas, thoughts, and comments with each other.
Blogs varying in topics, themes, and set-ups, can be found in blog directories. First time users who want to get an idea of what the blogging world is all about can browse through a number of blogs using these directories. This way they'd get an idea of what these blogging communities are like.
Blogging is popular all over the world. Blog is short for the term weblog. There are no rules when it comes to blogging. Bloggers have the freedom to express themselves however way they want, and the best thing about blogging, is that most blogging sites are free.
There are numerous blogging websites to choose from in the net. This give first time users the option of joining a blogging community that appeals to their interests.
Just search any blogging directory and you'd get a listing of a lot of blogging sites that are available on the net. It's easy to search a blogging directory, because it is organized according to category. This way you would get exactly what you are after. Blogging is really for everyone. It is fun, simple and easy.
MarketHive Inbound Marketing Tools for Entrepreneurs
MarketHive is a social networking site designed for entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, MarketHive isn't only a social networking website, in addition, it includes a blogging platform, plus some very effective online marketing tools to allow entrepreneurs to be successful marketing their Internet business, services and products.
Below you will find some of the marketing tools you will receive once you sign up for Markethive:
• Autoresponders
• E-mail Broadcasting
• Blogging Platform
• Capture Pages
• One Click Lead Generation System
• Conference Room and a whole lot more
You might be curious about how much actually does MarketHive charge for these amazing online marketing tools, well the answer really is these Internet marketing tools are totally free of charge for life, no strings attached. Basically these online marketing tools would cost you hundreds of dollars per month, not at MarketHive. This is the good news for the beginner as well as the veteran Internet marketer.
The Top Five Reasons Why Articles Beat Advertising in Terms of Marketing Content
Encountering the most effective marketing techniques is now more difficult than ever before. The good news is that if you understand a few simple concepts, you will be able to gain a valuable edge over your competitors.
We often hear such terms as SEO, web design, social media and big data. Still, one concept which is overlooked is the difference between an article and other forms of advertising such as pay-per-click services. Why are articles still thought to be the best way of reaching your audience and what advantages are they able to provide? The answers may surprise you!
Evergreen Content
The first point to make is that many articles are considered to be evergreen in terms of their content. In other words, the information that they provide is much longer lasting than a specific advertising campaign (1). So, their benefits will last for longer. Some illustrations of evergreen articles can involve:
• How-to lists
• Reviews of a specific product
• Video tutorials
These can be much more effective to generate repeat revenue than a short-lived advertisement.
The Long-Tail Edge
Long-tail keywords are now very important within the world of digital marketing. First, they are able to cater to the discrete needs of the individual performing an online search (2).
Long-tail keywords are also those used during the end of the buying process. Finally, these phrases are also to rank higher within the SERP; providing better online exposure. It is much easier to fit these keywords within an article when compared to an advertisement that relies on brevity. Examples can be:
• Cheap hotels in New York City
• The best website design software for 2016
Long-tail keywords will also appear to be less “clumsy” within a content-laden article.
Addressing the Client
Articles have always had a rather personal edge when compared to an advertisement destined for hundreds or thousands of potential consumers.
These days, people are more fickle than ever before in terms of what they choose to read. If they feel that their needs are not being addressed, they are much more likely to move on and look for greener digital pastures.
Articles have the innate ability to target these desires and therefore, the product or service being offered tends to be more appealing.
The Presentation Itself
Most (not all) advertisements tend to work with a limited amount of space or text. Whether referring to a pop-up ad or a widget within a website, only a certain number of details will be observed. It can be hard to convey the main points of your product within these confines.
Thanks to modern coding techniques, articles are able to offer videos, infographics, flash presentations and numerous links to other sites (think of a good SlideShare presentation as an example here). This can be accomplished without appearing to overwhelm the reader.
Qualified Calls to Action
Many individuals who click on a link within a short advertisement are only mildly curious. So, conversion rates will be rather low. When this very same link is placed at the end of the article, the reader is much more likely to take action. He or she is likely to have read the entire piece; thus appreciating what you are offering in more detail. So, qualifying nurtured leads is much more of a reality.
Now, this is not to say that advertising is useless within the digital domain. We are rather pointing out that a well-presented article can have a massively positive impact without detracting from the appeal of what it is that you are offering.
Markethive did not invent the blog, but we certainly have made it exponentially more powerful. We certainly have added fun, understanding, reach, groups, daily workshops, understanding and power to the process.
Markethive has successfully combined all the technical and tactical aspects and requirements into one system, but have also overcome the obstacles to make blogging a group process, combined with motivated mentors to help the newbie easily immerse and embrace the process.
We did not invent Word Press, but we have significantly taken Word Press serious and made it exponentially better. This blog’s focus is to help you understand the paradigm dynamic shift Markethive has brought to marketing, blogging and the individual within the hive.
The following video attempts to reveal and illustrate how the whole social blogging platform in Markethive changes the entire Internet field of engagement.
Understanding SEO
You can approach the challenge alone, hire a firm and/or a virtual assistance and take the Internet on. This ego centered approach works for many who have the grit and stamina and educated skills of journalism and polished writing (a note here: As the Internet has evolved, the polished blogger vs the blogger that lacks the polish but has the passion, wins in today’s culture).
Approaching the blogosphere as a crew, a group, a gang or a family wins today. Because fresh, new, consistent and current content win and win you combine a social network into a blogging platform, the results are impressive.
Understanding SEO isn’t easy, and Google doesn’t help things much by changing the algorithms and policies on a regular basis. Seems like every time we get a handle on things, the rules change, and we’re all left wondering what we’re doing wrong and what we might still possibly be doing right.
The whole SEO quotient changes when the social network variable is integrated. This is why SEO at Markethive changes the playing field.
So a social network integrated blogging solution is at hand, and, there’s one thing you may have been doing correctly already from the start: That being blogging. You probably have a million reasons to blog, not the least of which include building trust among your buyers, positioning yourself as an expert, and simply sharing news with your company’s followers. Then, of course, there are those activities that help to boost your SEO rankings. These can only help you if you know how to use them, so make note of these 9 reasons blogging can boost your SEO.
Enter the Markethive Social Network Engine combined with the Inbound Marketing Engine. Kind of reminds of the Hot Rods of the 60s like Eddie Hill’s double dragon (see image):
Except with Markethive, the combining the two huge engines of the Internet, Social Networking and Inbound Marketing has an exponential nature to it, not just a geometrical quotient.
This innovative integration of these two power houses has a powerful effect on all that ios Internet Marketing as I illustrate, please read on.
The following is the conventional wisdom perspective to today’s linking approach.
Some of the techniques used for SEO when blogging raise eyebrows, and back linking is no exception. Many will tell you link schemes will get you a slap on the wrist from Google, and they’d be right. Does that mean you can’t build relationships with other companies and blogs by including links and asking for some in return? Not at all.
You can still benefit greatly from being linked and linking to others, but there are some things to keep in mind. First, if you’ve paid for your link, be sure they use the nofollow designation. Otherwise, you’ll be penalized. Next, work with reputable, quality sites that fit your blog’s niche. When links to your blog appear on sites that have nothing to do with your company, you’ll get another ding from Google. Finally, use the same basic rules for any blogs you link to on your site.
Good quality links from popular, well-respected sites can definitely help your SEO rankings, but only if you do it right.
Now, with that said, the amazing change that occurs to your campaign to build organic, condust and create relationships in the blogging power of the Inbound Marketing Social Network of Markethive, delivers a plethora of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SNM (Social Network Marketing) and the advantages therein if developing unlimited streams of unique content, automated into literally millions of sites, social networks, social bookmarks, blogging platforms from the stream of content that flows out of the Markethive Social Network you are part of or built.
So what does all that mean? As the natural order of our recent tech releases of the Blog Casting (Social Broadcaster) and Blog Swiping (where your friends and other members can easily copy and edit your blog) then publish it and with the advent of this opening the possibility with these new tools produce a cacophony of your content, links, back links, side links, social reaches into the millions. All built upon chaos theory and technology.
The natural organic process to build a huge amazing white hat mass of blog and site links and social reach, thereby, the vision of the Blog Cloud has come to be reality, thank you Markethive, the social networked Inbound Marketing juggernaut.
Simply put, not just combining but fully integrating two platforms, the Entrepreneurial Social Network and a fully appointed Inbound Marketing platform, has opened up doorways not otherwise capable or even aware of or identified in the exponential character of the Markethive Hybrid. Sort of like Twin Towers built on the same foundation.
Actually more like a million communities of twin towers all inter connected and pulsing and thriving with the constant flow of content and videos and communications (comments and messaging) even further empowered with a constant thriving community of live conference room activity.
Guest Blogging
Again Markethive takes the awkward and difficult process of guest blogging and turns it into a graceful social dance. I will explain after I share again the Internet’s explanation of what has been defined as guest blogging.
The latest hoopla suggests guest blogging is dead, but that’s not necessarily true. As with the backlinking, guest blogs can be tremendously beneficial to the SEO of your website. If you work with reputable writers who are indeed experts in their industry, their popularity can only help you.
For this tactic to work, you must be vigilant when screening potential bloggers. Interview them, research their backgrounds, and compare their submission to everything they’ve written before to make sure you get truly unique content. If you follow Google’s quality guidelines, your guest blog from a well-known source will bring you tremendous traffic and boost your search engine rankings.
Markethive has turned this difficult proposition into one of grace and ease. Because the core of your blogging can now be centered within Markethive, which supports and publishes to just about every blogging platform out there. As a social network, you can build a sphere of influence easily with others who are open to and or capable of assisting in your blogging efforts.
Groups also serve as additional blogging platforms, for the individual who keeps track of different campaigns separated by the groups. Groups also parlay into teams of content creators, allow a team captain to manage and lead the agenda and monitor and choose the array of articles by the group to which blog(s) that article automatically gets sent.
The options that the Markethive tools has created for diverse and distributed content is unlimited and better managed than any other option available in the blogosphere.
Group Blogging not only replaces the old guard of guest blogging, it enhances it, makes it easier to, manage and distribute. It changes the entire playing field.
You can integrate single Markethive members, and/or integrate entire groups into as many blog systems you wish. By simply organizing, selecting and developing different cock tails groups for your blogs, you can literally create unlimited selections and unlimited content for unlimited blogs, your blogs, their blogs, unlimited groups of competent writers and marketers. Get into the mix, join some groups, and get into some Workshops and put the system to work for you.
We can even say that you can produce dynamic content on your blog without as much effort as the conventional way.
Fresh Content
Search engines love fresh, unique content. How often do the pages on your website change? Probably not very often at all. That’s why you must keep a steady blog filled with new information every week. Those search engines customers used to find companies just like yours will pull the freshest and most relevant content whenever a search is performed. If your site hasn’t been updated with new information in over a year, you can bet someone else’s will rank higher than yours in the results.
By blogging, you build relationships with your readers, position yourself as an expert in the field, and perhaps most importantly, provide new content for Google to index.
By joining Markethive you build relationships with thousands of others who are actively building business, blogging, researching, etc. basically being “entrepreneurs” and advancing their businesses and agendas. Often you can join with these people as friends, group members and subscribers of theirs via Blog Casting, Blog Sharing and Blog Swiping.
When you are an active member in a good group (active and current), using meetings and live webinars, discussions breed inspirations which support developing new content. Here is a tip I use to help with fresh content. I want to write about the “current trends for the entrepreneur market”. So I go to Google and I search the tail words SEO entrepreneur trends but I designate a small tool many are not aware of.
It is found in “Search tools” in the Google search as the illustration below demonstrates. Choose last week or within 24 hours to get very fresh current content to use in building your blog article. This way, you are assured to be utilizing current references building current articles, sharing with your groups and creating a dynamic culture. Checking new content with Google daily in relations to your agenda is something that should also be shared (the search link) within your groups for discussion.
Keywords go hand in hand with fresh content. It also pays to see what current or newest results are shown for current sites utilizing the same technique for current content for your research and agenda.
Even though keywords really don’t hold the same weight they once did, it still needs your attention. In fact, this is another aspect of SEO you can do really wrong and end up punished for. The age of cramming keywords into a blog over and over, regardless of what they add to the content, is over. Now those keywords have to serve a purpose. You really want to make sure you choose unique keywords that will lead searchers to your site but not so unique that no one thinks to use them. If you choose words that are used too often, you won’t get much benefit out of them.
Your best bet with keywords and search terms is to use long-tail keywords and phrases that people may use when searching. Instead of focusing too much on keyword placement and making sure you include the words a certain number of times, concentrate on simply answering questions. Provide knowledge for those who reach your site. They don’t need a million keywords; they need answers.
For instance, the long-tail keyword “Inbound Marketing” had barely begun trending in 2009 with a slow crawl upward until just recently, with the advent of Markethive’s soft launch and discussions of the definition of “Inbound Marketing” and the increase of Social Network chatter in that regards we are now seeing the current trend start to grow.
My first company invented what we called “Automated Marketing” but today fits the new definition “Inbound Marketing” As you can see the term “Automated Marketing” is trending down from a long crown of being a top searched keyword.
See the trend towards “Marketing Automation” beginning? Why is Marketing Automation trending up and Automated Marketing trending down? Does it deserve research?
In my opinion no, but, what does need to be looked at in my regards is our new pre launched/soft launched company (as of May7, 2016) is the Trademark “Markethive”.
Because if we read these trends right, we want to make sure we mention Markethive often in connection to “Inbound Marketing” and “Marketing Automation”. This will place squarely in front of the trend curve binding the “long tail” keywords together.
Markethive’s SEO keyword system leads us to these research outcomes, but until the Google API is fully integrated to Markethive’s Keyword platform I go to the Google Trend panel here as well.
When your blogs are shared and consequently clicked on, they move up in the search rankings. If you’re providing quality content, your readers will want others to know. Of course, the only way to make sure your blogs contribute to your website’s popularity is to create unique content, provide answers for visitors, and then share your blogs wherever you can.
That key point “Share your blogs wherever you can” is another way of saying “Broadcast” them. And Markethive has taken Broadcasting to new heights with Blog Casting and SNAP. Blog Casting is a Markethive subscribe feature that other Markethive members use to subscribe to your Markethive blog. When they subscribe (and the potential is 1000s of them), your blog posts are automatically posted to their Facebook Newsfeeds, LinkedIn activity feeds and your Twitter tweets feed.
When you understand that this down stream of subscribers, fellow entrepreneurs at MarketHive, are exposing their connections to your message, they are lifting you up, increasing your popularity and building greater branding for you.
Then there is the Blog Sharing feature that also allows your fellow Markethive entrepreneurs to import your blog posts to their WordPress blogs using the SNAP plugin increasing your message (your posts) to another 25 of their social networks, Facebook Pages, LinkedIn company pages, SumbleUpon, Tumbler, Livejournal, Blogspot, ets, exponentially increasing your exposure and adding to your back links.
When you discover the responsibility this represents that you show respect, produce quality content to your loyal downstream, you now have the opportunity to build a huge popular following. Markethive, The Rise of the Entrepreneur. We have put a great future in your hands. Now it is up to you.
Including images in your blog gives you one more way search engines can find you. Make sure you name them according to the search terms or keywords, and then do the same for the alt-text. The alt-text is meant to describe what’s in the image for those who don’t or aren’t able to see images on their computer screens. For this reason, your alt-text must be carefully crafted to serve two purposes: SEO and information.
I search a lot in images and so do others. They may be looking for an image to fill a need, the reasons vary, but a lot of traffic does come from image searching, so do not ignore this small duty. Alt tags serve an important batch of duties.
When installing images in the Markethive HTML control panel, the following Image control panel, second tab, is where to enter your keywords and descriptions.
When looking at the HTML code, this is exactly what ALT tags look like and search engines Index.
As with photos, video simply gives you more dynamic content that you can share with your readers. Remember they’re looking for excellent, unique content, so be sure you include only videos that serve a purpose. Proprietary videos are always the best bet, since syndicated content will show up on several different sites during a search result.
If you have never made a video, get some screen capturing software. I use Camtasia (cost about $300)
I also down load others videos to use them in my final productions. I build titles and other content with Photoshop Software, but there are other cheaper alternatives. Many of my friends recommend GIMP for image editing.
I recommend you make as many of your videos you can, but do not produce bad or funky videos. Today, you need quality and you are welcome to download and use all Markethive videos I produce for yourself.
Be sure you tag your videos with appropriate search terms before you post. Let readers know exactly what’s going on in the video so they can find your content in a search.
I know video editing and production can be daunting to many at first. However, we have plenty od excellent talent that offer video workshops in Markethive. Just check the calendar or enquire within the membership (Social Network).
Remember we are all Entrepreneurs and most of us are also philanthropic and want to help you succeed. I know I do.
Check the calendar
Social Media
Believe it or not, Google also returns social media search results. If you connect your blog to your Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts, you give search engines one more thing to find when people look for your company. As long as you use search terms in your titles and meta descriptions, you’ll boost your SEO through social media listings, too.
A popular set of current wisdom pulled from the Internet void (5 Things to Think About When Considering The Impact of Social on SEO) :
1. Social Links May or May Not Boost Your Search Rank
Okay, social signals pertaining to a profile’s authority are out, but does Google consider links published on social accounts to be credible backlinks? When a blog post goes viral on Twitter, do those new links boost the post’s search ranking?
Many marketers believe that links to your website via social media accounts do have a major impact on your rankings. Says Marketing Consultant Brian Honigman:
Today, links are mainly achieved through developing original content that is in turn, shared across social media. Links to your content on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube and other social networks help the search engines understand what websites are credible and should be ranked for what keyword phrases.
In Danny Sullivan’s 2010 interview with Google and Bing for Search Engine Watch, Google first says that it doesn’t incorporate the number of times a link has been tweeted into their search rank algorithm, and then it goes on to say that it does (doh). Bing says that it definitely looks at this data:
We take into consideration how often a link has been tweeted or retweeted, as well as the authority of the Twitter users that shared the link.
While Cutts’ 2014 video is crystal-clear about the absence of social signals from the search algorithm, he does say that Google crawls social websites for data in the same way that it would any other site:
Facebook and Twitter pages are treated like any other pages in our web index, and so if something occurs on Twitter or occurs on Facebook and we’re able to crawl it then we can return that in our search results.
This leads me to think that while the authority of a social account doesn’t impact search rank, links published on social media could be marked as credible back-links and thus influence a page’s rank.
Takeaways: When Cutts made his statement about Google not factoring in social signals I understood him to mean clues about a particular company’s authority on social media, which, for me, is distinct from the number of times a page has been linked to on social media. Further research didn’t help me get much clarity on this point.
If there are any SEO experts reading this, I’d love for you to chime in below in the comments.
2. Social Media Profiles Rank in Search Engines
While social shares may or may not affect a webpage’s position in search listings, your social profiles definitely influence the content of your search results. In fact, social media profiles are often amongst the top results in search listings for brand names. When I searched “General Electric” in Google, the company’s Instagram and Pinterest profiles appeared as the 5th and 6th listings, respectively, and Twitter was the 8th result.
Moreover, Google displayed the company’s Google+ profile information in the right-hand sidebar at the very top of the search results page.
While social shares may or may not affect a webpage’s position in search listings, your social profiles definitely influence the content of your search results. In fact, social media profiles are often amongst the top results in search listings for brand names. When I searched “General Electric” in Google, the company’s Instagram and Pinterest profiles appeared as the 5th and 6th listings, respectively, and Twitter was the 8th result.
Social channels can feel more personal than webpages, and they’re a great way to get a sense of a company’s personality off the bat. When I’m researching a company I don’t know much about I typically go straight to their Twitter or Facebook page. So if a social account shows up at the top of the search results, I’m just as likely to click on it as I would be to click on their website.
Takeaway: There’s no doubt that your social profiles matter to Google and especially to people who are looking for you online. A few active social channels can make the experience of getting to know your brand online more fun, engaging and personal. Also, while some may consider Google+ a non-essential social channel, marketers shouldn’t discount the fact that a company’s Google+ profile is one of the first things a searcher will see (and potentially click on). As such, it pays to have a profile with up-to-date info and engaging content.
3. Social Media Channels Are Search Engines, Too
Nowadays, people don’t just go to Google and Bing to look stuff up; they also use social media channels to find what they’re looking for. Patel makes this point in his article on why social is the new SEO: “We need to understand that search engine optimization includes the search that happens on social media search engines.”
This works in a couple of ways: First, if you’re active on Twitter, it’s entirely possible that people will discover your company’s new content distribution app after searching for content marketing-related tweets with Twitter’s search engine. Likewise, brands that lend themselves to beautiful visual content can benefit from making their content visible in Pinterest and Instagram by using hashtags and properly categorizing their pins.
Moreover, as mentioned in point #1, if someone wants to check out your company, they’re likely to open Twitter and Facebook and do a quick search to see what kind of presence you have on each channel. YouTube, and, of course, Google+ are also search engines.
Here are some impressive stats that illuminate just how much people are using social media to search:
As of 2010, Twitter handled 19 billion search queries a month (that’s more than 5x the queries handled by Bing!).
In 2012 Facebook said it got around one billion search queries per day.
As of March 2010, YouTube got roughly 3.7 billion search queries a month. Also, 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, making it one of the largest content repositories on the web.
Takeaways: Companies should expand their concept of SEO to include not just the traditional search engines––Google and Bing––but also social search engines.
When searching for a brand on Facebook or Twitter it’s not uncommon to see several different profiles pop up, and it’s not always clear which one is the real deal. Marketers need to ensure that it’s super easy for users to identify their official social profiles.
This may mean deleting duplicate accounts and/or clearly labeling each social account so that users understand what purpose they serve (for example, accounts for HR or press versus general brand pages).
4. Not Now Doesn’t Mean Not Ever
Just because Google says that social signals don’t currently impact search rank doesn’t mean they never will. Social media shows no sign of becoming a less important part of a brand or person’s online presence anytime soon; moreover, given that link-building strategies like guest blogging have become a less reliable way to indicate the quality of a webpage, it makes sense that search engines would begin to look for other signals of authority and value.
Takeaways: There’s no reason why social signals won’t begin to affect search rankings in the future, so smart brands will continue to build their authority in key social channels and think about social when designing their SEO strategy.
5. Don’t Forget Bing
Google may have back-tracked and changed their stance on social signals, but I haven’t found any evidence that what Bing told Sullivan for his Search Engine Watch interview doesn’t hold true today.
Remember, Bing said:
We do look at the social authority of a user. We look at how many people you follow, how many follow you, and this can add a little weight to a listing in regular search results.
Takeaways: Bing, which is the second most-used search engine, has been crystal clear about how their algorithm incorporates social signals into their search results, and, unlike Google, they haven’t flip-flopped on the issue. With its market share steadily growing, companies would be wise to include Bing in their SEO strategies.
Wrapping Up
Cutts’ claim that Google’s search algorithm ignores social signals should not be seen as an invitation for marketers to dismiss social’s impact on SEO. Instead, marketers should broaden their concept of search and SEO to take into account the myriad ways that people find content on the web. They also need to think about the positive effects that increased traffic from social can potentially have on their search rankings as well as the prominence of social profiles on first-page search results.
Ultimately, the web is all about building relationships, fostering audiences, expressing identity and sharing ideas––it’s inherently social, and there’s no reason that SEO best practices would go against the grain, especially since the rules that govern SEO are ultimately meant to make the web a more enjoyable and useful place.
Indexed Pages
Perhaps the most important reason of all to blog is the fact that each post counts as a new page on your website. Google really does like fresh content and will reward those who share frequently. Those who do include a business blog on their site will see up to 55% more traffic than companies who don’t. The reason for this is the indexed pages. For Google to index those pages, you need to include at least 300 quality words. That means reblogging, short blogs, and duplicating content won’t help you. There is a time and place for the previously mentioned blog types, but not when you’re hoping to boost your SEO.
Now that you understand why blogging is essential to improving your SEO results, you probably want to get started right away. Don’t get bogged down or feel overwhelmed. A systematic approach is what you need, starting with a content calendar. Simply start by answering those burning questions your potential customers have. Plan blogs that will touch on their pain points. You’ll see results sooner than you ever thought possible.